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电话: 86-0575-8573210
姓名: wendyshen
shaoxing ziyi textile co.,ltd

  At present, our company has the world's advanced level of mechanical equipment, the introduction of Karl Mayer of Germany and other foreign brands, the company has a high-speed warp knitting machine, the FK6 type texturing machines imported from Taiwan weft knitting machine, computer lace machines and other. The productivity of 10,000 tons, Our company specializes in producing a variety of high-quality fabrics such as mesh; square grid; fabric; lace fabric; nap cloth; stretch fabric; plain cloth; Korean network; U.S. network, products are widely used in clothing, shoes, cars, bags and other areas....

主要产品/业务: lace fabric. lace trim, cord lace fabric, mesh, printed lace fabric, printed mesh fabric

shaoxing ziyi textile co.,ltd / 浙江 / shaoxing jinhui building (312000 ) / 电话:86-0575-8573210

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